In moments of conflict, the Mother stands fierce to defend what she holds most dear, whilst opening her arms to those who are wounded. The mother embodies compassion, protection, attentiveness, tenderness and generosity.
When the shadow is engaged, the Mother may become overprotective of the people or values she feels compelled to defend. This can lead to codependency, and controlling or even authoritarian behaviour.
Sister Lucy Kurien was a young novice in a Catholic convent in Southern India when a woman who feared her abusive husband asked Sr Lucy for shelter. But the convent had no space for her to stay, and Sr Lucy reluctantly turned her away. That night the husband murdered the woman along with her unborn child. This devastating experience led Sr Lucy to create 33 homes where more than 4,000 destitute women and children have received shelter, education and love.
“It takes a lot of courage to do what you think is right, to stand up for it and to be transparent. The way you live has to be so simple. Don't make life complicated. Live a very simple life along with the people.” - Sister Lucy Kurien
Your nurturing heart and compassion reflect divine love in your faith journey. Traits like empathy and generosity will strengthen your spiritual walk.