People of the Earth

Promoting community, understanding and connection between local people and displaced people through public events, volunteering and public speaking.

People of the Earth aims to strengthen UK communities by practising hospitality and nurturing connection and understanding between local peoples, and people with an experience of history of displacement.

This programme focusses on designing and co-creatingevents that bring people together across diverse cultures, faiths and traditions. In recent years we have co-created and collaborated on events with a number of partners, including: Freedom from Torture, Paiwand Afghan Association, Camden Community Engagement, City of Sanctuary, Migrateful and Islington Centre for Refugees and Migrants.

"Being a Refugee is an experience not an identity"
Mohammad Badran

At Home In Nature: Walking Side By Side With Refugees

Do you love being outside in Nature?
Do you enjoy walking with other people?
Are you happy to walk in all weathers?
Are you free during the daytime in the week?

Then at home in Nature would love to hear from you!

At Home in Nature is a programme that brings refugees, asylum seekers and long-term migrants together with local people for guided, mindful and exploratory walks in London’s parks and green spaces.  Walks are led by an experienced walks leader and nature connection practitioner for small groups of people. Walks are fun and restorative, stimulating easy conversation and a shared joy of being together with nature.

We are looking for volunteers who would like to be involved in supporting this initiative with their time and interest.  Knowledge of plants and creatures is welcome, but not essential.

Volunteering with At Home in Nature is suited to anyone interested in walking side by side with refugees, asylum seekers and long-term migrants; people with an interest in spending time with nature.  Anyone available during the day during the week and able to get to different parts of London. The programme will be running during the summer and into the autum; sign up for a series of 3-6 walks or more.

Volunteer with at home in Nature

Listen to the World

More than a concert space, ‘Listen to the World’ brings people together across differences of all kinds – on stage and among the audience – for evenings that celebrate cultural diversity and create meaningful encounters in an atmosphere of inclusion and warmth.

Among our vocalists and musicians are performers whose musical roots travel from Nicaragua to Ukraine, Afghanistan to Sudan and everywhere in between. The intimacy of the nave allows for truly magical evenings as performers captivate audiences with their rhythms, their songs and stories, and their engagement with the audience during Q&As and their invitations to participate.

Our audiences are global and intergenerational; young people, adults and families with young children bring their curiosity and joy to the nave, sometimes seated, sometimes dancing – wherever the mood of the music carries them.  Some come to experience the richness of London’s diverse music scene, others for the scent of home carried in mother tongues, or the musical traditions and instruments of the performers.

View our Complete Listen to the World Programme

Inside Stories

Inside stories explored stories of resilience during the global pandemic through a series of conversations with people who have been displaced by war, conflict or persecution about their lives, thoughts and hopes for others.

Read each of the stories from the series below: