In moments of great need, the Legend leads by example, embodying values that endure and inspire future generations. The Legend embodies strength, sacrifice, and vision.
When the shadow is engaged, the Legend may become self-righteous, believing they are above others due to their status.
Ethelburga was the first Abbess of the Benedictine Abbey at Barking. She was an unusually powerful woman in her time. She led a monastic order that included both women and men. In 664, the plague came to Barking, taking hold of the men’s precinct in the Abbey first. The nuns knew that it was only a matter of time before they caught the disease. Ethelburga asked them ‘Where would you like to be buried?’ but none dared answer her. Then late one night, the nuns were visiting the tombs of the brothers who had died, and were singing songs of praise to the Lord, when suddenly a light from heaven, like a great sheet, came down upon them all. The sisters all immediately understood the meaning of this: the light was showing them the place where they should all be buried. Ethelburga’s legacy continues today, as her light inspires the work of reconciliation and peacebuilding.
“We believe there can be no peace on Earth unless we also realise peace with Earth.” - St Ethelburga’s Centre for Reconciliation and Peace
Your faith journey calls you to lead with integrity and vision. Strength and compassion will guide you in leaving a lasting impact.