A year and a half ago I took 4.5 acres of depleted pasture via the Ecological Land Cooperative and have since been working very hard to turn this into a space teeming with life. Besides establishing a small no- dig market garden, which now supplies my local community with fresh, chemical free veg, I am dedicating areas to nature and encouraging biodiversity back to the land here. A living hedgerow here connecting my newly established woodland would be an extremely positive addition and I am very pleased that the process of doing so can be shared and enjoyed by groups of people for whom this will bring new skills and experiences. offgridorganics
The Baddaford Farm Collective consists of six independent enterprises; Vital Seeds, Incredible Vegetables, Green Ginger Organics, Red Earth Herbs, Pigment Plants Dyes and Baddaford Farm Partnership. The aim of the Baddaford Farm Collective is to make a small part of the world more like the world we want to live in and to promote beauty, sustainability and social justice within an economically viable farm. The Farm consists of 154 acres of a rolling Devon valley. Around 80 acres of the farm is managed by Guy, Milan and the team under Baddaford Farm Partnership, which specialises in growing organic perennial fruit and vegetable crops. These crops are almost entirely supplied to Riverford Organic Farmers and The Bull Organic Inn.
I have farmed here at Llangwendr for over 20 years and care deeply about the environment, flora and wildlife. The farm is worked organically and I keep sheep, horses and honeybees which, as well as producing natural raw honey, also provide a marked increase in pollination on the farm and beyond. This gives a huge boost to the insects and birds living in the area. I also feel that urban and country communities would benefit from more collaboration so that a deeper understanding of the practicalities of farming and the environment can be achieved.
Willowbrook Farm was established in 2002 by Dr. Lufti Radwan and his wife Ruby Radwan, who left their conventional academic careers, with their young family in tow, to pursue a lifestyle of harmony with nature. The farm produces ethical and sustainable food and is the first Halal and Tayyib farm in the UK, meaning that the animals are reared naturally and humanely in accordance with Islamic principles of stewardship of nature. The farm aims to minimise its environmental impact by using renewable energy, recycling waste, preserving biodiversity, and building with natural materials. The farm also hosts weekend visits, eco-camping, and educational events for the public. The farm has been praised for its resilience and innovation and strong community links.
Becoming a Lifelines Leader allowed me to both disconnect from city life and connect with nature, whilst also being able to share this opportunity with a group of people who I felt would benefit from the same experience. My volunteers were Iraqis of different backgrounds, from those of faith and none and everything in between, those who grew up in Iraq and those who didn't, and from a range of professions and ages. From welcoming dawn with a stretch on frosty mornings to getting my hands in the soil and planting new hedgerow and trees, I found a new appreciation for things we often take for granted. Whilst meaningful and moving on an individual level, it was also a particularly poignant time to think about the connections to and care for land that we belong to or visit. I learnt a lot from the challenges of being a leader, and hope to have the opportunity to do it all over again.
Being a lifelines leader was indescribable. The amount of connection, peace and fulfilment that I gained from leading a weekend was much more than I could have expected and has stuck with me ever since. It would be such an honour to not only serve again, but to spread this joy and opportunity for respite and service.
Taking part in Lifelines has been a highlight of the year the last two years. It's such a privilege to build alliances with so many different communities and faith groups, each exploring and sharing our unique ways of being in service to life.
Are you part of a faith or community group that cares about the environment?
Would you like to spend a weekend planting hedgerows on a beautiful farm?
Lifelines connects faith and non-faith groups from all traditions with farmers, helping to plant a network of hedgerows and wildlife corridors across the country.