Coventry Cathedral
Reconciliation has been a mark of Coventry Cathedral’s ministry since 1940 when the city and Cathedral were heavily bombed and destroyed by enemy action during World War II. In the weeks that followed, the leader of the Cathedral had the words ‘Father Forgive’ inscribed in the ruins in a commitment to the Christian message of peace, forgiveness and reconciliation both with God and other humans.
We came together to be in communion across denominations, beliefs, traditions and viewpoints, and to explore current tensions around themes of human sexuality, class & poverty, and interfaith relations – holding these conflicts in lament and prayer.
Together for the Common Good
We welcomed Jenny Sinclair from Together for the Common Good, who shared about Catholic Social teaching…
Near Neighbours, Nisa-Nashim, Faith and Belief Forum
…and also welcomed Jess Foster, Benita Wishart and Mahmooda Qureshi – 3 friends from Jewish, Christian and Muslim faith who are working together to strengthen interfaith relations with Near Neighbours, Nisa-Nashim & Faith and Belief Forum.
Mahmooda said: “I believe when people of faith come together, we change the world.”
And this is our hope. As pilgrims of Journey of Hope.
Peace be with all of us.