‘Listen to the World’ open mic nights are a place of live music where the traditions and talents of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers find a home among local artists. Come and join us, as either a listener or performer, everyone is welcome; British locals, as well as those who have settled here more recently.
‘Listen to the World’ Open Mic night is a live show where anyone in the audience, professional or first-timer can come and sing or play an instrument.
‘What a wonderful evening. My heart opened… ‘
‘So moving to be connected to people from all over the world through music, particularly because we’ve all been feeling so isolated.’
‘What an absolutely beautiful evening. I was so tired I nearly didn’t come but I am so pleased I did. I had a number of wonderful conversations. Precious times. I really loved it all, and such a quality of work.’
What to expect – click on this link to see a showreel of previous events (1) Listen to the World Open Mic – Showreel 2021 – YouTube
Budhaditya Bhattacharyya is a Hindustani classical vocalist specialising in khayal and allied forms. Initiated into music at the age of three by his mother, Budhaditya subsequently went on to learn from different teachers. He is a senior disciple of Guru Pandit Ajoy Chakrabarty, continuing to train under his tutelage for more than a decade. Recently, Budhaditya has also started learning and documenting rare repertoire of the Talwandi, Patiala, Gwalior and Kirana gharānās (schools of music) from Ustad Mehfooz Khokhar. Budhaditya has performed extensively in the UK and India, and presented his music in continental Europe, China and Thailand. Budhaditya maintains a parallel career as a musicologist and music historian; he is currently completing his doctoral project on the music histories of migration and citizenship between Bengal and Britain at Durham university. You can hear a taste of Budhadity’s beautiful vocals here: (1) KhayalFest Music and Imagination Budhaditya Bhattacharya – Khyal Vocal – YouTube
Budhaditya will be accompanied by Harjodh Singh who is a Leeds-based esraj artist. He is a student of Ustad Kirpal Singh Panesar and has received taleem from Ustad Harjinderpal Singh Matharu. Along with playing the Esraj, he restores antique dilrubas and esrajes in his free time.
He will also be accompanied by tabla player, Dhanraj Persaud. Dhanraj began his training at the age of 14 under the tutelage of Pandit Rajkumar Misra. In keeping with the lineage of his Guru, Dhanraj follows the playing style of the Jaipur and Farukkhabad gharanas of tabla. Not only is Dhanraj an accomplished tabla player but also an experienced vocalist, currently receiving training from Srimati Chandrima Misra of the Kasur-Patiala gharana. Dhanraj has performed extensively around the UK and is fast becoming a much sought after performer within the Indian classical music scene in this country.
Alongside featured artists, members of the audience can sign up to perform too. You can respond to the theme of displacement, home or belonging or with whatever is on your heart. This is a fun, relaxing evening where anyone; professional or first-timer, can perform to an appreciative audience. Or you can simply come and listen. You sign up for an Open Mic slot when you book (online or in-person). There are 4-5 slots and each slot is for 3-5mins.
Co-ordinator: For all questions about the Open Mic event or to be added to the mailing list, please contact Jo Winsloe Slater at jo.winsloe@stethelburgas.org.
This event is made possible thanks to the generous support of the Arts Council: